By Judith E. Lipson, M.A., LPC
All of us are energy, we are surrounded by energy, and we interact with it all as we attune to the energy within and outside ourselves. Some individuals are more aware of this attunement. I call these individuals, myself included, Sensitives. We are highly attuned to the five senses as well as energy, intuition and empathy. Others refer to us as Neuro-Sensitives or Neuro-Diverse. Some of these Sensitives are diagnosed with autism. In a recent course with Awesomism founder Suzy Miller I learned some new aspects for consideration.
Are you familiar with the book The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto? In his fascinating study he placed water in a number of bottles and labeled them with words like love, war, peace, anger, etc. When he later looked at the water under a microscope he found that water that had been exposed to loving words showed brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns, while water exposed to negative words formed incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. As a result of his study and the visual images, we can better understand how words affect energy, and thus ourselves and each other.
When you realize that everything is energy, it opens up interesting options for you to address certain issues. For instance, let’s imagine that you are a teacher and you are having difficulty with some of your students. Try this exercise: Create a paper doll cutout. Then select the child that you have the most difficulty with. On one side of the paper doll, write out all of the words that describe how you wish this kid would be. Put it on your refrigerator and read that wish list every day. You will likely notice that the child changes. But what has actually changed? Was it your energy changing when you encountered that child because you have filled yourself with these more positive thoughts? Or was it the child who felt the energetic shift through the ethers? I don’t think it matters. Give it a try.
Here’s a different application of the understanding of energy. It is said that neuro-diverse individuals may be able to alter and change things that come into their fields. As a result, they can modify themselves and/or the things that enter their fields. When they access something (like a supplement) they might take as much information from the item as quickly as they can, and then they no longer need it. This might explain why some individuals’ supplements and protocols are in a frequent and constant need for change.
Neuro-sensitives’ fields are more fluid/porous and they can live in multiple realities simultaneously (more on multi-dimensions in October). They perceive time differently and are not likely to see it in the linear manner that our society defines it. Many parents and teachers describe ADHD kids as seemingly unable to follow time requests. I’ve always felt that it is not about their unwillingness. They perceive time differently. We can begin to follow them into their “no time” experience by “feeling” our own experiences and being in the present. It is here that we can feel the presence of All That Is. If you need to encourage them to live in linear time, hold the sensory steps in your mind and visualize the possibility as you experience the situation in linear time. Be careful not to visualize their past actions of not being in time, because then they will be more likely to replicate the behavior that you don’t desire. Feel it how you want to see/feel it.
Neuro-diverse individuals have the ability to mirror or reflect back the various messages that they are receiving whether they or we are aware. Equestrians know that the emotional message that they transmit to their horses is reflected back with their horse’s behavior. Do you own a pet? You can use your pet, particularly a dog, to measure your own feelings. Ready to practice? Watch how your excited behaviors and words make your dog quite excitable? Want the dog to calm down? Intentionally calm your feelings and your body and the dog will calm as well. You can use your pet to provide you with feedback about the moods and messages that you are sending about them, or that you are feeling within yourself. This is especially useful when you live or work with neuro-diverse individuals.
I hope you are enjoying learning more about your autistic, sensitive, or otherwise-named neuro-diverse individual.
Judy Lipson is a Licensed Professional Counselor and educational strategist in West Bloomfield, MI. She helps clients of all ages who have learning difficulties, work or school related anxiety, ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorders, and those who wish to Remember and Become ‘Who You Really Are’. Contact Judy at 248.568.8665 and, and visit for more information.
This article is for informational purposes and is not meant to replace medical care.