Each of us has a personal and spiritual journey. Are you ready to know the real you and live your true purpose? It is time to release fears, old patterns and other methods of resistance. It is time for you to become Conscious. In this work I incorporate psychology, metaphors, patterns, symbolism, guided imagery, energy and metaphysical principles.
The time is now to Awaken. You have slept too long. Your destiny is yours to fulfill. Come out of slumber and find Yourself so that you can live your purpose and feel whole once again. You’ve always known who you were meant to become, but it has been hidden behind the mind’s shadows. Awaken. Find your truest calling. Recognize the Truth that is within and release patterns that no longer serve. The time is now. Open to who you have always been and live your life now.
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. – Maya Angelou