Judy offers a variety of presentations for your professional or parent group. They can be tailored for small and large … Read More »

Licensed Professional Counselor / Trainer / Facilitator
There are reasons why students appear lazy or unmotivated and are not realizing their potential. As … Continue Reading
Judy provides counseling, academic and life strategies directly to the individual or via the family … Continue Reading
Judy has always been fascinated by the inner workings of the mind and why we are the way we are. … Continue Reading
Each of us has a personal and spiritual journey. Are you ready to know the real you and live your … Continue Reading
Sensitives are highly attuned to the five senses as well as the sixth sense of energy, empathy and … Continue Reading
Judy offers a variety of presentations for your professional or parent group. They can be tailored … Continue Reading
Judy offers a variety of presentations for your professional or parent group. They can be tailored for small and large … Read More »
Judy has always been fascinated by the inner workings of the mind and why we are the way we are. What began as a personal … Read More »
Judy provides counseling, academic and life strategies directly to the individual or via the family member. Preschool through … Read More »
There are reasons why students appear lazy or unmotivated and are not realizing their potential. As a teacher consultant and … Read More »
Sensitives are highly attuned to the five senses as well as the sixth sense of energy, empathy and intuition. Sometimes they are … Read More »
Each of us has a personal and spiritual journey. Are you ready to know the real you and live your true purpose? It is time to … Read More »
Judy Lipson is a Licensed Professional Counselor supporting ADHD, Anxiety, Autism Spectrum/Aspergers as well as those who wish to explore their Life’s Purpose. Judy provides Counseling, Educational Consultations, Academic Support and Presentations/Workshops.
Make an appointment with Judy to develop effective Strategies, Improve Motivation and Self-Esteem, develop Advocacy and Empowerment, identify Accommodations for IEPs and 504 Plans, understand Sensitives and Become Who You Really Are.
January 6, 2025, 1-4pm: Reducing Stress and Anxiety for CORE Learning on Zoom. Anxiety plagues all of us at some time in our lives. But what is anxiety really? Can any good come from being anxious? If so, how do we use it to our advantage and if not, how do we get rid of it? This workshop provides information about: Symptoms and causes of anxiety and stress; Ways to release, reduce and avoid its symptoms; Relaxation and cognitive reframing techniques; Importance of exercise and nutrition; Participants will engage in movement and relaxation exercises to learn real techniques for immediate and on-going practice and Polyvagal theory will be discussed as well.
January 7, 2025, Noon-1pm: UPLIFT on zoom with my colleague Karen Faith Gordon and me. Join peers in this one-hour discussion group to be a source of energy and light for each other and the world around us. Participants are invited to share their perspectives on personal transformation, life challenges, and navigating cultural change. Let’s learn from each other and stay uplifted!
January 28, 2025 7:35-8amCT: I will be talking about The Treatment of Learning Disabiilites for the Rotary Club of Maple Grove, MN via zoom.
January 28, 2025, Noon-1pm: UPLIFT on zoom with my colleague Karen Faith Gordon and me. Join peers in this one-hour discussion group to be a source of energy and light for each other and the world around us. Participants are invited to share their perspectives on personal transformation, life challenges, and navigating cultural change. Let’s learn from each other and stay uplifted!
February 20, 2025, 2-5pm: Executive Function: It Affects All Ages and Not Just in School for CORE Learning on zoom. One would assume that executive function is a conversation only about students in the school setting, but clinicians are being asked to support their clients of any age, including adults with ADHD qualities (and thus challenges with executive function). These skills are essential, yet for a myriad of reasons they are not always easily accessible for our clients. This presentation will help clinicians (and educators) to better understand executive function’s challenges, and to learn strategies to help their clients to succeed.
February 25, 3-4:30pm: Recognizing and Addressing Neurodiversity in Your Clients With Substance Use Disorder for the MATCP Conference in Grand Rapids. Develop a broader understanding of how neurosensitivities, including those with ADHD, ASD, PTSD and TBI, impact daily life. Learn how these sensitivities can potentially be a factor in alcohol and substance use. Then learn to environmentally, energetically and therapeutically address your clients with this neurodiverse knowledge.
March 12, 2025, 1-4pm: There Are No Lazy Students for CORE Learning on zoom. This is the first presentation that I ever created, and with its updates it is still very relevant! Description: It’s easy to label students as lazy or unmotivated, but it’s important to recognize that they may lack the fundamental skills needed to succeed. Additionally, they may be struggling with anxiety, perfectionism, ASD, or ADHD, which can impact their academic performance. To address these challenges, this presentation provides effective strategies for working with underachieving students in various areas, including: Organization and Time Management, Reading and Writing Techniques, Homework and Study Habits, and Anxiety Management.
April 16, 2025, 9am-noon: Reducing Stress and Anxiety for CORE Learning on zoom. Anxiety plagues all of us at some time in our lives. But what is anxiety really? Can any good come from being anxious? If so, how do we use it to our advantage and if not, how do we get rid of it? This workshop provides information about: Symptoms and causes of anxiety and stress; Ways to release, reduce and avoid its symptoms; Relaxation and cognitive reframing techniques; Importance of exercise and nutrition; Participants will engage in movement and relaxation exercises to learn real techniques for immediate and on-going practice and Polyvagal theory will be discussed as well.
Read and view: Did you know that stress and anxiety (and other emotions) begin in the body? Read about this here, and then view additional information on YouTube.
Listen NOW: Want to learn more about transformation? Here’s the half-hour talk that I did for the West Bloomfield Rotary Club.
Watch NOW: Easing the Empath Experience: Modulating Energy and Draining the Receptacle (7 mins).
Published: Working With Neurosenstives: Recognize Their Superpowers Despite Their Struggles, published in AMHCA Journal’s Highlights from the 2023 Annual Conference.
Judy Lipson, M.A., LPC
Spiral Wisdom LLC
Phone: (248) 568-8665
Sensitives, ADHD, Autism, Anxiety